How To Make Beeswax Rolled Candles


Beeswax Rolled Candles

Beeswax Sheets


  • Preformed sheets of colored paraffin
  • Candle wicking
  • Old cookie baking sheet

This is perhaps the simplest method of making candles at home. The height of the paraffin sheet will determine the height of the finished candle, and length of the strip will determine its radius. A craft knife can be used to cut the paraffin strips to the desired size. Start by placing the paraffin sheet on the cookie sheet.

Place a piece of candle wicking slightly longer than the height of your candle along the side, allow it to overhang slightly. Then simply roll the paraffin around the wick (If your paraffin is very stiff, you may wish to warm it with a hairdryer on low). Continue rolling paraffin around the candle

until you reach the desired thickness.