Quote: Scratch a Yale man with both hands and you'll be lucky to find a coast-guard. Usually you find nothing at all.

Author: Source Unknown

Quote: The men -- the undergraduates of Yale and Princeton are cleaner, healthier, better-looking, better dressed, wealthier and more attractive than any undergraduate body in the country.

Author: Source Unknown

Quote: I am not impressed by the Ivy League establishments. Of course they graduate the best -- it's all they'll take, leaving to others the problem of educating the country. They will give you an education the way the banks will give you money -- provided you can prove to their satisfaction that you don't need it.

Author: Peter De Vries 1910-, American Author

Quote: They teach anything in universities today. You can major in mud pies.

Author: Orson Welles 1915-1985, American Film Maker

Quote: In spite of the roaring of the young lions at the Union, and the screaming of the rabbits in the home of the vivisect, in spite of Keble College, and the tramways, and the sporting prints, Oxford still remains the most beautiful thing in England, and nowhere else are life and art so exquisitely blended, so perfectly made one.

Author: Oscar Wilde 1856-1900, British Author, Wit

Quote: The exquisite art of idleness, one of the most important things that any University can teach.

Author: Oscar Wilde 1856-1900, British Author, Wit

Quote: If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not about education but about war? -- not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she might win the same advantages as her brothers?

Author: Virginia Woolf 1882-1941, British Novelist, Essayist

Quote: I wonder anybody does anything at Oxford but dream and remember, the place is so beautiful. One almost expects the people to sing instead of speaking. It is all like an opera.

Author: William Butler Yeats 1865-1939, Irish Poet, Playwright.

Quote: To be sure, nothing is more important to the integrity of the universities than a rigorously enforced divorce from war-oriented research and all connected enterprises.

Author: Hannah Arendt 1906-1975, German-born American Political Philosopher

Quote: Home of lost causes, and forsaken beliefs, and unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

Author: Matthew Arnold 1822-1888, British Poet, Critic

Quote: The race of prophets is extinct. Europe is becoming set in its ways, slowly embalming itself beneath the wrappings of its borders, its factories, its law-courts and its universities. The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your moldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4. The fault lies with you, Chancellors, caught in the net of syllogisms. You manufacture engineers, magistrates, doctors, who know nothing of the true mysteries of the body or the cosmic laws of existence. False scholars blind outside this world, philosophers who pretend to reconstruct the mind. The least act of spontaneous creation is a more complex and revealing world than any metaphysics.

Author: Antonin Artaud 1896-1948, French Theater Producer, Actor, Theorist

Quote: I was a modest, good-humored boy. It is Oxford that has made me insufferable.

Author: Sir Max Beerbohm 1872-1956, British Actor

Quote: Remote and ineffectual don.

Author: Hilaire Belloc 1870-1953, British Author

Quote: The most important function of the university in an age of reason is to protect reason from itself.

Author: Allan Bloom 1930-1992, American Educator, Author

Quote: What poor education I have received has been gained in the University of Life.

Author: Horatio Bottomley American Politician

Quote: This place is the Devil, or at least his principal residence, they call it the University, but any other appellation would have suited it much better, for study is the last pursuit of the society; the Master eats, drinks, and sleeps, the Fellows drink, dispute and pun, the employments of the undergraduates you will probably conjecture without my description.

Author: Lord Byron 1788-1824, British Poet

Quote: A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students.

Author: John Ciardi 1916-1986, American Teacher, Poet, Writer

Quote: 'Tis well enough for a servant to be bred at an University. But the education is a little too pedantic for a gentleman.

Author: William Congreve 1670-1729, British Dramatist

Quote: The greatest gift that Oxford gives her sons is, I truly believe, a genial irreverence toward learning, and from that irreverence love may spring.

Author: Robertson Davies 1913-, Canadian Novelist, Journalist

Quote: Within the university... you can study without waiting for any efficient or immediate result. You may search, just for the sake of searching, and try for the sake of trying. So there is a possibility of what I would call playing. It's perhaps the only place within society where play is possible to such an extent.

Author: Jacques Derrida

Quote: A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself.

Author: Thomas Ehrlich

Quote: One of the benefits of a college education is to show the boy its little avail.

Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882, American Poet, Essayist

Quote: The colleges, while they provide us with libraries, furnish no professors of books; and I think no chair is so much needed.

Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882, American Poet, Essayist

Quote: Universities are of course hostile to geniuses, which, seeing and using ways of their own, discredit the routine: as churches and monasteries persecute youthful saints.

Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882, American Poet, Essayist

Quote: Oxford is -- Oxford: not a mere receptacle for youth, like Cambridge. Perhaps it wants its inmates to love it rather than to love one another.

Author: Edward M. Forster 1879-1970, British Novelist, Essayist

Quote: Master and Doctor are my titles; for ten years now, without repose, I held my erudite recitals and led my pupils by the nose.

Author: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832, German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist

Quote: I had always imagined that ClichT was a suburb of Paris, until I discovered it to be a street in Oxford.

Author: Philip Guedalla 1889-1944, British Writer

Quote: I often think how much easier the world would have been to manage if Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini had been at Oxford.

Author: Edward F. Halifax 1881-1959, British Conservative Statesman

Quote: If the factory people outside the colleges live under the discipline of narrow means, the people inside live under almost every other kind of discipline except that of narrow means -- from the fruity austerities of learning, through the iron rations of English gentlemanhood, down to the modest disadvantages of occupying cold stone buildings without central heating and having to cross two or three quadrangles to take a bath.

Author: Margaret Halsey 1910-, American Author

Quote: Towery city and branching between towers; Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded.

Author: Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889, British Poet

Quote: The medieval university looked backwards; it professed to be a storehouse of old knowledge. The modern university looks forward, and is a factory of new knowledge.

Author: Thomas H. Huxley 1825-1895, British Biologist, Educator

Quote: University degrees are a bit like adultery: you may not want to get involved with that sort of thing, but you don't want to be thought incapable.

Author: Sir Peter Imbert

Quote: Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.

Author: Robert Green Ingersoll 1833-1899, American Orator, Lawyer

Quote: College isn't the place to go for ideas.

Author: Helen Keller 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author, Lecturer, Amorist

Quote: It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds: a Harvard education and a Yale degree.

Author: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963, Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Quote: While formal schooling is an important advantage, it is not a guarantee of success nor is its absence a fatal handicap.

Author: Ray Kroc 1902-1984, American businessman, Founder of McDonalds

Quote: They were evidently small men, all wind and quibbles, flinging out their chuffy grain to us with far less interest than a farm-wife feels as she scatters corn to her fowls.

Author: D. H. Lawrence 1885-1930, British Author

Quote: In university they don't tell you that the greater part of the law is learning to tolerate fools.

Author: Doris Lessing 1919-, British Novelist

Quote: I am told that today rather more than 60 per cent of the men who go to university go on a Government grant. This is a new class that has entered upon the scene. It is the white-collar proletariat. They do not go to university to acquire culture but to get a job, and when they have got one, scamp it. They have no manners and are woefully unable to deal with any social predicament. Their idea of a celebration is to go to a public house and drink six beers. They are mean, malicious and envious . They are scum.

Author: W. Somerset Maugham 1874-1965, British Novelist, Playwright

Quote: Let's not burn the universities yet. After all, the damage they do might be worse.

Author: H. L. Mencken 1880-1956, American Editor, Author, Critic, Humorist

Quote: I am willing to admit that some people might live there for years, or even a lifetime, so protected that they never sense the sweet stench of corruption that is all around them -- the keen, thin scent of decay that pervades everything and accuses with a terrible accusation the superficial youthfulness, the abounding undergraduate noise, that fills those ancient buildings.

Author: Thomas Merton 1915-1968, American Religious Writer, Poet

Quote: American universities are organized on the principle of the nuclear rather than the extended family. Graduate students are grimly trained to be technicians rather than connoisseurs. The old German style of universal scholarship has gone.

Author: Camille Paglia 1947-, American Author, Critic, Educator

Quote: Our major universities are now stuck with an army of pedestrian, toadying careerists, Fifties types who wave around Sixties banners to conceal their record of ruthless, beaver-like tunneling to the top.

Author: Camille Paglia 1947-, American Author, Critic, Educator

Quote: Apparently, the most difficult feat for a Cambridge male is to accept a woman not merely as feeling, not merely as thinking, but as managing a complex, vital interweaving of both.

Author: Sylvia Plath 1932-1963, American Poet

Quote: A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.

Author: Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919, Twenty-sixth President of the USA

Quote: It is dangerous sending a young man who is beautiful to Oxford.

Author: Dudley Ryder

Quote: Oxford, the paradise of dead philosophies.

Author: George Santayana 1863-1952, American Philosopher, Poet

Quote: Socrates gave no diplomas or degrees, and would have subjected any disciple who demanded one to a disconcerting catechism on the nature of true knowledge.

Author: G. M. Trevelyan 1876-1962, British Historian

Quote: College-bred is a four-year loaf, using dad's dough, Coming out half-baked, with a lot of crust.

Author: Source Unknown

Quote: Looking back over a decade one sees the ideal of a university become a myth, a vision, a meadow lark among the smoke stacks. Yet perhaps it is there at Princeton, only more elusive than under the skies of the Prussian Rhineland or Oxfordshire; or perhaps some men come upon it suddenly and possess it, while others wander forever outside. Even these seek in vain through middle age for any corner of the republic that preserves so much of what is fair, gracious, charming and honorable in American life.

Author: Source Unknown