Dry Potpourri

Dry Potpourri Dry Potpourri

  • 3 qts. rose petals (from pink & yellow roses)
  • 1 pt. lemon verbena
  • 1 pt. rose geranium
  • 1/2 pt. Pennyroyal
  • 1/2 c. lavender flowers
  • 1 c. bergamont
  • 1 c. rosemary
  • 6 tbsps. orris root (coarse)
  • 5 tbsps gum benzoin (crushed)
  • 1/4 c. orange peel (shredded and dried in a slow oven.
  • 1 tbsp. crushed cloves
  • 1 tbsp. coriander seeds (optional)
  • 2 tbsps. tonka beans (cut)

After the petals, herbs, and leaves are crisp and dry, mix  them up thoroughly in a large bowl and blend in the other  spices and oils, adding them a little at a time until the  desired fragrance is obtained. Then add the fixative. After  you have blended all ingredients together, store the potpourri in glass jars or other interesting containers and cover tightly. Choose glass bottles and bowls that will show off the colors. Mix the 1st 9 ingredients together. Be sure that the petals are very dry. Toss lightly as you add the remaining ingredients a little at a time until the desired fragrance is attained. Let the mixture stand in sealed containers for 5 to 6 weeks, shaking them occasionally to blend the fragrance.